Start With Why by Simon Sinek

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The main message of Start With Why is the importance of having reason behind your actions. The book was published in 2009. 

Q&A: "Start With Why"

Q: I hear you’ve read Start With Why. So, what’s this book about? Why is “why” so important?

A: It’s simple but powerful. Simon Sinek argues that all great leaders and companies start by clearly defining why they do what they do. Most people focus on the "what" (products, services) or the "how" (processes), but the why is what drives inspiration, loyalty, and innovation.

Q: Why can’t the “what” or the “how” be enough? Don’t people care more about what a company offers?

A: On the surface, yes. But the most successful people and businesses inspire loyalty not through their products or services, but by making others believe in their mission. When people connect with your why, they see themselves as part of your journey. Apple is a great example—they didn’t just sell computers, they sold the belief in challenging the status quo and thinking differently.

Q: Interesting. How can someone find their own “why”? What if I don’t know what my purpose is?

A: Finding your "why" is about digging deeper into what drives you. Simon suggests reflecting on key moments in your life where you felt most fulfilled or motivated. Ask yourself: What values or causes do I care deeply about? What impact do I want to make? Your "why" often lies in your passions and the things that energize you. It’s not always obvious, but it’s there.

Q: Once I find my "why," how do I apply it? Is it enough just to know it?

A: Knowing your "why" is the start, but living it out is the real challenge. Apply it by aligning your actions and decisions with your purpose. Whether in your career or personal life, make sure your what and how support your why. For example, if your "why" is to help others grow, make sure your work, projects, and relationships reflect that intention.

Q: So it’s about being consistent with my purpose in everything I do?

A: Exactly. When your actions and values align with your purpose, you create a sense of authenticity and fulfillment. And, importantly, others will notice. Whether you're leading a team, building a business, or just navigating life, people are drawn to those who live with purpose.

Q: Last question. Can companies have a "why" too, or is it just for individuals?

A: Absolutely, companies can (and should) have a clear "why." Great companies inspire not just with their products, but with their mission. Think of Nike—it’s not just about shoes, it’s about empowering athletes. When a company’s "why" resonates with its customers, it builds trust and loyalty. The best companies are mission-driven. 

Reflection Thought:

What’s your "why"? What drives your work or passions?





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― George R.R. Martin

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